The client approached with an outdated site and a few ideas for what they wanted to create. As a company that sold product to other companies for employee appreciation and client appreciation, they wanted a modern, updated version that stood up to others in the market.
Since the original site was so old, a complete redesign was needed. The client wanted an informational site that directed users to contact them directly for services they were interested in.
With the problem and the client's goal in mind, I began with a few layout options that I went over with my client. Working past that, I created a low fidelity mockup and then moved on to a site built in Webflow. Going through a series of reviews with the client, we settled on the finalized site and features.
The resulting site was simple, but effective. Users would have access to the information needed to make a decision about the company, as well as multiple routes to connect with the client directly for more.